Es Doger - Indonesian Street Food

9:38 PM

Hello Street Foodies ! 
Es Doger is a well known Indonesian Street Food. It's simple but very tasty. Origin of "Es Doger" is from es dorong gerobak . This time, we will talk about Es Doger that I bought yesterday when I randomly passed Gading Serpong Street in Tangerang, Indonesia. Actually Es Doger is well known from Cirebon, Indonesia. But you can find Es Doger in big cities such as Jakarta, Tangerang, Malang, or Surabaya. As it's sweet and very freshening, you will be really happy to eat Es Doger especially in hot weather. 
The seller of Es Doger that I interviewed this time is called Mas Ridwan. He already sold Es Doger for 5-6 months now. As he says, Es Doger is made from coconut milk and pink food coloring or pink syrup for the ice. Then, the he put some black sticky rice and pink jelly which is called 'mutiara' in the plastic glass. He also put cutted white bread (which I forgot to take the picture). Then for the last layer he put some pink ice again and pour chocolate condensed milk. 
Actually Es Doger can be served with many variation. You can put sliced avocado, tape (fermented cassava), etc. The price for Es Doger is Rp 4.000/ glass. 

pink ice + black sticky rice

pink ice+ black sticky rice + mutiara

Mas Ridwan's happy and shy face when I toke a picture of him.

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